Production (shoot log)

Shoot 1
Location- Music Room
Type- Performance Shot
Props- Guitar, Microphone and Drums
Costume- Band costume
Shots being filmed- High/Low Angle

Shoot 2
Location- Music Room
Type- Performance shot(drumming shots)
Props- Drums
Costume- Band costume
Shots being filmed- High/Angle, Close ups and Pans

Shoot 3
Location- Music Room
Type- Performance
Props- Guitar, Microphones and Drums
Costume- Band costume
Shots being filmed- Pans and Close Ups

Shoot 4
Location- School Grounds
Type- Narrative
Props- Newspaper
Costume- Casual Clothes and Scruffy clothes
Shots being filmed- Girl walking into school and boys notice her for the first time

Shoot 5
Location- School Building
Type- Narrative
Props- N/A
Costume- Casual Clothes and Scruffy clothes
Shots being filmed- one of the boys chasing after the girl but other boy intervenes

Shoot 6
Location- School
Type- Narrative
Props- Cash Card
Costume- Casual Clothes and Scruffy clothes
Shots being filmed- the boy who was intervened takes revenge on the other boy by pulling his trousers down

Shoot 6
Location- School
Type- Narrative
Props- N/A
Costume- Casual Clothes and Scruffy clothes
Shots being filmed- The boys meet in the toilets and one chucks water on the other and is then noticed by the girl they are after he is left embarrassed

Shoot 7
Location- Music Room
Type- Performance
Props- Microphone
Costume- Band Costume
Shots being filmed- Close up, pans and zooms

Shoot 8
Location- School
Type- Narrative
Props- N/A
Costume- Both dressed smart, New day
Shots being filmed- Both the boys notice the girl, and chase after her bump into each other and fall on the floor they look up to see that she is gay

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